Kerala Blasters FC


When ODISHA FC opted to go for a 4-3-3 formation. Coach Ivan Vukomanović opted to field Blasters unit under 4-4-2 formation with Jessel Carneiro back in the starting line-up with Captain’s arm band.

When both teams gave out everything on field till the final whistle for the 3 points, fans witnessed a close fought battle. Within first few seconds to the game, It was evident that the visitors have done enough research on Ivan Vukomanović’s men. Odisha Fc played a composed and high pressing game of football which did not allow Blasters to play the usual attacking game. Odisha Fc were the first one to knock on the goal line through Raynier Fernandes. A powerful shot from the jersey number 10 of Odisha Fc hitting the woodwork looked dangerous for the Blasters.

RECOVER and RESTRUCTURE is what this Blasters unit is known for. And they did it again. Blasters got back to the game in no time. 8th minute to the game Ivan Kalyuzhnyi was successful to give a through ball to the Odisha FC penalty box. However, Amrinder Singh was quick to collect the ball before Dimitrios Diamantakos could get a contact on the ball. 10th minute saw the ball again getting to the Odisha FC penalty box. This time Ivan Kalyuzhnyi himself took the ball to the attacking front only to be denied by the offside flag before Dimitrios Diamantakos could attempt a shot on target. A cross from Captain Jessel Carneiro himself into the penalty box in the 13th minute was cleared by Osama Malik. With Odisha FC repeatedly attacking on the Blasters goal line, Jessel Carneiro was inside the visitor’s penalty box again in the 18th minute only to miss the target marginally. On the other end, Víctor Rodríguez’s shot on target was comfortably collected by Prabhsukhan Singh Gill in 44thminute to deny visitors from scoring. Though attacks swing in both directions, respective defence units ensured that goals stayed away till both teams walked out for half time.

Second half saw Blasters taking away the game from the visitors. Blasters started identifying the open space between Odisha FC defence and was able to get to the opponent penalty box within first minute to the second half. Sahal Abdul Samad got to the Odisha FC penalty box again on the 50th minute only to be cleared by the defence at the last moment. A cross from Jessel Carneiro to the goal line in the 56th minute was collected by Odish Fc custodian Amrinder Singh before any Blasters players could reach the ball. Once Blasters got the game back from visitors, attacks became consistent. A pass from Adrian Luna to Dimitrios Diamantakos in the 57th minute almost got Blasters on the score board. A timely clearance from Carlos Delgado cleared danger for the visitors. Another attempt from Blasters on 66th minute looked promising but could not be converted to a goal. 67th minute saw Sahal Abdul Samad reaching close to scoring for blasters and narrowly missing the target. Nihal Sudheesh and Apostolos Giannou were brough in by Blasters instead of Rahul KP and Dimitrios Diamantakos on the 70th minute. Nihal Sudheesh came close to the scoring his debut ISL goal on the 71st minute. But was unfortunate not to get a contact on ball inside the penalty box. Apostolos Giannou made a successful run in to the penalty box in 72nd minute was cleared by Osama Malik. However, Captain Jessel Carneiro was there to test Amrinder Singh and Sahal Abdul Samad with an acrobatic attempt on the rebound. Another attempt from Apostolos Giannou in 74th minute could not reach Sahal Abdul Samad who was inches away from the score line. Bryce Miranda replaced Sahal Abdul Samad for Blasters in 83rd minute and that eventually resulted in the awaited goal for Blasters. Amrinder Singh stepped out to clear a cross from Bryce Miranda to the penalty box and Sandeep Singh there to guide the ball to the target through a header in the 86th minute. With the late minute goal, ‘MEN IN YELLOW’ made sure to walk out of the field with a win and another clean sheet.